The Friday Lunch Club

The Friday Lunch Club meets in Bilbao and its suburbs for the sole purpose of eating and socialising

Sunday, April 02, 2006


29 Sept-Gabriela, 29 Oct-Rebecca, 31 Oct-Alix, 5 Dec-Catherine, 7 Feb-Heidi, 3 March-Roslyn, 19 March-Pilar, 15 May-Nicola, 27 May-Kim, 28 June-Bea, 18 Aug-Ester

Future Lunch Dates:
20th April (no bdays)
18th May (Nicola and Kim's bdays)
15th June (Bea's bday)


Blogger Nicola said...

Hi All
I hope lunch was good on Friday. I don't think I can make the April lunch as it will be my only day to do my Friday class in April. However, i will definately be at the May lunch!!

3:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are we having a lunch the 20th ?
Different persons cannot blog anymore, is there something wrong with the blog ?

10:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. I hope everyone had a lovely Easter. I cannot make the lunch on Friday as it would involve dragging along a toddler and a newborn. It's more than my sanity could bear!!!. I am however free for coffee any morning if anyone is in Bilbao!!
Ros x

10:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is someone going to the next club lunch ?

11:36 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes I am I bumped into marie carmen and she said come come ,come so I will.

7:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Gabriela's lunch - sorry not enough people...but as it's been moved I can now come - same time same place?

1:14 am  

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